Wednesday, October 8, 2014


My longest friend called me today, I don’t want to call her my oldest friend since she is not old but she has been my friend for over 20 years. She knows me pretty well and was calling to see how I’m feeling about my upcoming surgery. I told her I’m doing my best to ignore it for a few more days but it’s not working so well. Plugging my fingers in my ears and singing la la la just doesn’t push it out of my head as I go to my pre-surgery physicals, phase off my diet, quit taking my vitamin supplements, and start arranging the house and my studio for my incarceration.

I’ve done all that I can to get ready physically (diet 47lbs lost and exercise) and now I need to get my head ready. Nope, not gonna be ready. I’ll do it but I’m not looking forward to it. I’m not dreading it and I will do my best to go through it with an optimistic smile but SHIT I don’t wanna do it. Yes that was said in a whiny little kid voice. And it’s their (the doctor and the physical therapists) fault that I don’t want to. They made me feel so good, this is the best I have felt in years and I LIKE it. I don’t want to feel like crappola again.

But my left knee is painful all the time and it will be better after its fixed. Ok, fine, I’ll do it. But I won’t like it. There. Done.

I have this conversation with myself several times a day. No way to get better but go through it. Since there is no other solution I think I will try ignoring it a little more and focus on the fun stuff I’m doing between now and next Wed.

I don’t have any plans for today, just hanging out with my dog girls, maybe play in my studio. Then tomorrow I have Physical Therapy in the morning and I think I will go swim at the pool when I’m done and sit in the Jacuzzi. I love the water and I will have to keep my knee dry for 6 weeks or so after surgery. Ya that sounds good. Then I think I’ll meet Tim for lunch. It’s a lot easier to do that when I can still drive and walk un-aided. Then I’ll go by Macy’s and see what is on sale. That sounds just right.

On Friday Tim has the day off and we are going to pack up the trailer and dogs and go camping at Champoeg for the weekend. We have friends joining us, friends who don’t camp and one who has never had a S’more. We are going to fix that right up. We are bringing our bikes, yay! I can peddle around to my heart’s content (another activity that will be put on hold until I heal). We will also be celebrating our 30th Wedding Aniversary! What a nice way to celebrate, I’m really looking forward to it.

Monday is more Dr stuff, physical by surgeon, pre-admittance to hospital, blech! So after I do that I’m going to go hang with my girls in Aurora, we'll eat goodies, kvetch and pretend I'm knitting. Tuesday is my vanity day, hair cut, pedicure all the things I want to have tidy so that when I’m feeling bad I won’t feel like I look bad too, silly me for sure.

Wednesday is surgery day and I will be at Legacy Meridian Park Hospital until Friday, please feel free to drop by. Becky Clayton ( a fellow fiber addict) is having her hip done the same time I’m having my knee so bring your knitting I’m sure one of us will be awake. Tim will keep everyone in the loop again and post to my FB page. He is so thoughtful. I will post again after all the hoopla and drugs fade away. I will be looking for friends to come keep my company while I am recovering and unable to drive. Please anticipate coming over to visit!